Deceased Classmate: Barry Wileman
Date Of Birth: Feb-1-1953
Date Deceased: May-11-2015
Age at Death: 62
Cause of Death: Cancer
Classmate City: Ft Washington
Classmate State: MD
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Mikki Wileman ( wife ) Jason Wileman ( son )
Barry was a kind , loving and generous man with a great sense of humor. At the time of his death he was a manager of computer services at Georgetown University Law Center . He loved his job. But most of all he loved his family. He was happily married for almost 34 years and had one son . He was so looking forward to his retirement, he wanted to travel and devote more time to his beloved dogs. But he never got the chance. Cancer stole him from his family, his friends. Cancer robbed him of the best that was yet to come. 'There are some who bring the light so bright to the world that even after they have gone the light remains'. Barry, your light will remain forever.
Noticed submitted by Barry's wife, Mikki, on 7/2/2016