In Memory

Esther Migliaccio (Sirna) VIEW PROFILE

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04/17/11 11:30 AM #1    

Michael Parvis

Esther live in Temple Hills growing up. She lived next door to Tom Urman and down the road from Curt Henry, Rick Lane, Clement Brooks, Joe Gonzalas and Dave Stout. Esther went to St Ignatuis church with Tony Gramsky, Mamie Page and my family.  Back when we were growing up in Temple Hills all our lives criss crossed and we knew each other well. It was a small community and Esther and brother Tony and family were a part of that. We heard in later years that Esther became a nun.  Her brother Tony posted her obit on the crossland alumni site and did not mention what Esther died of. Esther was a part of our lives and was liked and respected. She will be mssed.

09/10/11 02:15 PM #2    

Ruth Travers

Esther and I became friends during the 7th grade at Taney Jr High, shortly after I moved to Camp Springs.  I wasn't a very happy camper during that year, didn't know anyone, and was very shy.  Esther was kind and I enjoyed her friendship.  During high school, our paths did not cross as much, but I always enjoyed talking to her whenever we met. 

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