In Memory


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03/29/11 12:18 PM #1    

Michael Parvis


Brian Flint passed away March 12, 2005 after being involved in a car accident at the home of Tony Humelock brothers house in Hughsville MD.

Jim Epps told me the below story about Brian from Mr. Cox's 5th grade class at Camp Springs Elementary School, that really sounds like Brian.

 Whenever Brian would get in trouble in Mr Cox's class, he  would make Brian fill out a sheet of paper filled with the Roman Numerials from 1 to 100. Some time later, Brian got in trouble about something and Mr Cox told Brian to do his Roman Numerials on a sheet of paper.  Well, Brian anticipating this already had his Roman Numerial sheet ready and announced as he handed the paper to Mr Cox, "Here you are Mr Cox!"  After that Brian was known as the Roman Numerical King.  This story is typical for anybody that knew Brian, he was a very smart kid but always had to be a rebel. He was well liked and had much potential.  Brian "The Roman Numerial King!" is missed.

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